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Today: 15. Februar 2025
Date Auction Auction name Information
03.03.2025 14:00 eLive Auction 86 - day 1
Spezialsammlung Dr. Björn-Gunnar Haustein Altdeutsche Münzen und Medaillen und Deutsche Münzen ab 1871
Antike: Keltische, Griechische und Römische Münzen
04.03.2025 14:00 eLive Auction 86 - day 2
Antike: Völkerwanderung, Orientalische und Byzantinische Münzen
Spezialsammlung Byzanz
Europäische Münzen und Medaillen
05.03.2025 14:00 eLive Auction 86 - day 3
Münzen und Medaillen aus Übersee
Habsburgische Erblande-Österreich
Deutsche Münzen und Medaillen: Anhalt - Preussen (inkl. Spezialsammlung Bayerische Geschichtstaler)
06.03.2025 14:00 eLive Auction 86 - day 4
Deutsche Münzen und Medaillen: Braunau - Würzburg (inkl. Spezialsammlungen Hessen und Oldenburg)
07.03.2025 14:00 eLive Auction 86 - day 5
Deutsche Münzen ab 1871
17.03.2025 11:00 Auction 419
Coins from the Ancient World
18.03.2025 10:00 Auction 420
The Lodewijk S. Beuth Collection, Part 3
19.03.2025 10:00 Auction 421
The Heinz-Falk Gaiser Collection, Part 2
19.03.2025 14:00 Auction 422 - part 1
Gold and Silver coins from the Medieval and Modern Times
20.03.2025 10:00 Auction 422 - part 2
Gold and Silver coins from the Medieval and Modern Times
21.03.2025 10:00 Auction 422 - part 3
German coins since 1871


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Auction archive

DateAuctionAuction nameInformation
29.01.2025 10:00Auction 418
Minted history of the Thirty Years' War and the Peace of Westphalia | Numismatic Rarities from over the World
30.10.2024 10:00Auction 416 - part 2
Coins of the ancient world from various collections
29.10.2024 11:30Auction 416 - part 1
Collection of Dr. Eike Druckrey – the Aesthetics of the early Greek coins
Coins of the ancient world from various collections
28.10.2024 10:00Auction 415
Orders, decorations, coins and medals from the collections of the high nobility and private possesions
28.09.2024 10:00Auction 414 - part 2
The Lodewijk S. Beuth Collection, Part 2
27.09.2024 10:00Auction 414 - part 1
The Lodewijk S. Beuth Collection, Part 2
26.09.2024 10:00Auction 413 - part 2
German Coins since 1871
25.09.2024 14:00Auction 413 - part 1
German Coins since 1871
25.09.2024 10:00Auction 412 - part 2
Gold- and Silver coins from Medieval and Modern Times
24.09.2024 10:00Auction 412 - part 1
Gold- and Silver coins from Medieval and Modern Times
23.09.2024 16:30Auction 411
Minted History of Württemberg - The Heinz-Falk Gaiser Collection, Part 1
23.09.2024 10:00Auction 410
Minted history of the Thirty Years' War and the Peace of Westphalia
21.06.2024 10:00Auction 409 - part 2
Gold, Part 3: German States (Mainz - Wurttemberg)
German Coins after 1871
German Silver Coins after 1871
20.06.2024 10:00Auction 409 - part 1
Gold, Part 1: Europe (Albania - Russia)
Gold, Part 2: Europe, Overseas (San Marino - Hungary, Overseas )
Habsburg, German States (Baden- Lübeck)
19.06.2024 10:00Auction 408 - part 2 and 3
Silver, Part 2: Habsburg, German States (Anhalt - Brunswick )
Silver, Part 3: German States (Brunswick - Lots)
18.06.2024 14:00Auction 408 - part 1
Silver, Part 1: Europe, Overseas
22.03.2024 10:00Auction 406 - part 3
Gold Coins | Coins and Medals from the Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Löwenstein-Wertheim | German Coins after 1871, a. o. Patterns from the Coenen Collection
21.03.2024 10:00Auction 406 - part 2
Gold Coins | Coins and Medals from the Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Löwenstein-Wertheim | German Coins after 1871, a. o. Patterns from the Coenen Collection
20.03.2024 14:00Auction 406 - part 1
Gold Coins | Coins and Medals from the Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Löwenstein-Wertheim | German Coins after 1871, a. o. Patterns from the Coenen Collection
20.03.2024 10:00Auction 405
Coins of the Bishopric and City of Regensburg - A significant special collection
19.03.2024 10:00Auction 404
Coins and Medals of the City of Mainz - The Prof. Dr. Eckhart Pick Collection, Part II
18.03.2024 10:00Auction 403
Coins and Medals of the Popes - The significant collection of a southwest German entrepreneur
15.03.2024 10:00Auction 402 - part 2
Greek Coins of Asia Minor - The Dr Kaya Sayar Collection,
Part I: Lycia, Pamphylia, Cilicia | Ancient Coins from various Properties
14.03.2024 14:00Auction 402 - part 1
Greek Coins of Asia Minor - The Dr Kaya Sayar Collection,
Part I: Lycia, Pamphylia, Cilicia | Ancient Coins from various Properties
01.02.2024 10:00Auktion 400
Ausgewählte Löser der Welfenherzöge aus der Sammlung Friedrich Popken | Numismatische Kostbarkeiten aus Mittelalter und Neuzeit, u. a. ‚‚Mehrfachporträts" aus einer westfälischen Privatsammlung
15.11.2023 10:00Auction 397 - part 2
Münzen der antiken Welt
14.11.2023 11:30Auction 397 - part 1
Münzen der antiken Welt
14.11.2023 10:00Auction 396 - part 2
Die Sammlung Dr. W. R., Teil 8
13.11.2023 15:00Auction 396 - part 1
Die Sammlung Dr. W. R., Teil 7 und 8
13.11.2023 10:00Auction 395
Orden, Ehrenzeichen und Medaillen aus Adels- und Privatbesitz
29.09.2023 10:00Auction 394
Münzen und Medaillen aus Mittelalter und Neuzeit
Deutsche Münzen ab 1871
28.09.2023 10:00Auction 393
Die Sammlung Lodewijk S. Beuth, Teil 1 Münzen der Niederlande und der niederländischen Überseegebiete seit 17
26.09.2023 12:00Auction 392
Hessen und der hessische Raum
Die Sammlung Dr. Hans-Jürgen Loos, Teil 2
26.09.2023 10:00Auction 391
Goldprägungen aus aller Welt
22.06.2023 13:00Auction 388
Thalers and Marks - German coins from 1800 to 1918 from a private collection in northern Germany
22.06.2023 10:00Auction 387 - part 3
Rarities of Swedish numismatics from the Gunnar Ekström collection | Gold coins | Coins and medals from the Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Selected Löser from the Friedrich Popken collection
21.06.2023 10:00Auction 387 - part 2
Rarities of Swedish numismatics from the Gunnar Ekström collection | Gold coins | Coins and medals from the Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Selected Löser from the Friedrich Popken collection
20.06.2023 10:00Auction 387 - part 1
Rarities of Swedish numismatics from the Gunnar Ekström collection | Gold coins | Coins and medals from the Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Selected Löser from the Friedrich Popken collection
24.03.2023 10:00Auction 386 - part 3
Bracteates | Mainz | Library Prof. Dr. Niklot Klüßendorf | Medieval and Modern Times | Gold Coins | German Coins since 1871
23.03.2023 10:00Auction 386 - part 2
Bracteates | Mainz | Library Prof. Dr. Niklot Klüßendorf | Medieval and Modern Times | Gold Coins | German Coins since 1871
22.03.2023 10:00Auction 386 - part 1
Bracteates | Mainz | Library Prof. Dr. Niklot Klüßendorf | Medieval and Modern Times | Gold Coins | German Coins since 1871
21.03.2023 10:00Auction 385
Absolutism, Reconnaissance and French Revolution in the Reflection of Coins and Medals - The Bader Collection
20.03.2023 10:00Auction 384
Coins, Medals and Tokens of Salzburg - The Collection of Professor Dr. Franz Schedel
17.03.2023 10:00Auction 383
The Roger Wolf Collection – Classica et Patria
16.03.2023 10:00Auction 382
Coins from the Ancient World, a. o. denarii of the Roman Republic and the Emperors from the Fritzotto Bauss Collection
02.02.2023 11:30Auction Sale 380
Coins and medals from the Medieval and Modern times, including coins from the Kingdom of Sweden:
The Stefan Widegren Collection and other Gold Coins of Czechoslovakia from the Collection of Dr. Pavel Liska
02.02.2023 10:00Auction 379
100 Rarities of European Minted History
(100 Raritäten europäischer Münzgeschichte)
20.10.2022 10:00Auction 377
19.10.2022 10:00Auction 376 part 2
Ancient coins from the Annemarie and Gerd Köhlmoos
Collection Coins from the ancient world from various collections, a. o. from the Collection of the North German Historian and the Collection of ”Alexander the Great“
18.10.2022 10:30Auction 376 part 1
Ancient coins from the Annemarie and Gerd Köhlmoos
Collection Coins from the ancient world from various collections, a. o. from the Collection of the North German Historian and the Collection of ”Alexander the Great“
30.09.2022 10:00Auction 375 part 2
SILVER: Europe (Italy-Hungary), Overseas (Ethiopia-USA), Medals, Lots

German coins after 1871
29.09.2022 10:00Auction 375 part 1
Nuremberg: Coins and Medals from Nuremberg Artists A Franconian Home Collection Selected Löser from the Friedrich Popken Collection

Coins and Medals from the Medieval and Modern Times a. o. Special collection Sweden
28.09.2022 10:00Auction 374
Hesse and the Territory of Hesse
The Dr Hans-Jürgen Loos Collection, Part 1
27.09.2022 10:00Auction 373 part 2
Gold coins, a. o. the collection of a Swedish-Swiss entrepreneur (especially Sweden, Austria and Hungary) as well as further gold coins of Czechoslovakia from the Dr. Pavel Liska Collection
26.09.2022 14:00Auction 373 Part 1
Gold coins, a. o. the collection of a Swedish-Swiss entrepreneur (especially Sweden, Austria and Hungary) as well as further gold coins of Czechoslovakia from the Dr. Pavel Liska Collection
26.09.2022 10:00Auction 372
Orders and Decorations from Germany and from all over the world
24.06.2022 10:00Auction 371 Part 3
Coins and medals from the Medieval and Modern Times
German coins after 1871
23.06.2022 10:00Auction 371 Part 2
Coins and medals from the Medieval and Modern Times
a. o. special collection Venezuela
22.06.2022 10:00Auction 371 Part 1
Gold coins a. o. Czechoslovakia
(The Dr Pavel Liska Collection)
21.06.2022 10:00Auction 370
German gold and silver coins
from the Annemarie and Gerd Köhlmoos Collection
20.06.2022 16:00Auction 369
The House Collection of the Berliner Sparkasse Brandenburg-Prussia
and the German Empire
20.06.2022 10:00Auction 368
Saxonia in Nummis
The Dr Walter Kemlein Collection
06.04.2022 10:00Auction 367
Greek Coins in fine conditions - The Dr. Guy Sylvain Paul Bastin Collection | The Roman Republic - The Dr. W. R. Collection, Part 6
05.04.2022 10:00Auction 366
MONEY OF THE CELTS - Coins of the Celts and neighbouring non-Greek nations - The Christian Flesche Collection
04.04.2022 13:00Auction 365
Coins from the ancient world, a. o. the collection from a connaisseur (roman coins) and the Dr Albrecht Ullrich Collection (late roman gold coins)
25.03.2022 10:00Auction 364
From the Taler to the Mark – German Coins after 1800 from the Annemarie and Gerd Köhlmoos Collection
24.03.2022 10:00Auktion 363 part 2
Gold coins from overseas | Coins and Medals from medieval and modern times | German coins after 1871
23.03.2022 10:00Auction 363 part 1
Gold coins from overseas | Coins and Medals from medieval and modern times | German coins after 1871
22.03.2022 10:00Auction 362
The Salton Collection, part II - European Goldcoins
21.03.2022 10:00Auction 361
The Minted Splendor of the Welfs – An Important Special Collection
26.01.2022 14:00Auction 359
Gold coins from Bavaria | Selected multiple taler (Löser) from the F. Popken Collection | Coins and Medals from Medieval and Modern Times | A selection of Orders
26.01.2022 10:00Auction 358
German Coins - Highlights from the Annemarie and Gerd Köhlmoos Collection
01.10.2021 10:00Auction 354 - part 2
Coins and Medals from medieval to modern times
30.09.2021 10:00Auction 354 - part 1
Coins and Medals from medieval to modern times
29.09.2021 10:00Auction 353 - part 2
The Axel Tesmer Collection, Part II - Coins and Medals from the Kingdom of Prussia Online Catalogue
28.09.2021 14:00Auction 353 - part 1
The Axel Tesmer Collection, Part II - Coins and Medals from the Kingdom of Prussia
28.09.2021 10:00Auction 352 - part 3
The Hermann Schwarz Collection - Fascination of minted gold
27.09.2021 10:00Auction 352 - part 2
The Hermann Schwarz Collection - Fascination of minted gold
25.09.2021 16:00Auction 352 - part 1
The Hermann Schwarz Collection - Fascination of minted gold
25.09.2021 10:00Auction 351
Coins from the Ancient World
01.07.2021 10:00Auction 350 - part 3
German Coins after 1871
30.06.2021 10:00Auction 350 - part 2
Coins and Medals from Medieval and Modern Times (especially Bremen and Prussia)
29.06.2021 10:00Auction 350 - part 1
Gold Coins frome all over the world
Selected Löser/multiple talers of the Friedrich Popken
26.03.2021 10:00Auction 349 part 3
Europe: Great Britain - Hungary, Overseas
German Coins after 1871
25.03.2021 10:00Auction 349 part 2
Mining Coins - The Erich Götz Collection, Germany: Aachen - Esslingen
Germany: Frankfurt - Würzburg, Medals, Lots, Paper Money, Coin scale. Holy Roman Empire, Europe: Baltic States - Greece
24.03.2021 14:00Auction 349 part 1
Cruisaders, Europe, Overseas, Holy Roman Empire,
Germany: Anhalt - Lots
24.03.2021 10:00Auction 348 part 1
The Axel Tesmer Collection, part 1
23.03.2021 14:00Auction 348 part 1
The Axel Tesmer Collection, part 1
23.03.2021 10:00Auction 347 part 2
Roman coins from Tiberius, Migration Period, Byzantium, Orientals
22.03.2021 10:00Auction 347 part 1
Egypt and Rome - The Collection of an historian, Celtic coins, Greek Coins, Roman coins to Augustus and Agrippa, struck under Polemon I. from Bosporus
28.01.2021 10:00Auction 346
Numismatic Rarities from all over the world, a. o. Löser /multiple talers from the Popken Collection and selected pieces from the collection of a connoisseur and art lover | Selected Orders and Decorations
03.11.2020 16:00Auction 343
Small collection of wristwatches and pocket watches from all over the world
02.11.2020 10:00Auction 342
The Numismatic Library Alain Poinsignon, Strasbourg, Part 1
01.10.2020 14:00Catalog 341
The Greek East and North Africa - The Dr. W. R. Collection, part 5 | Ancient coins, a. o. from the Phoibos collection and collection of a Hanseatic Roman enthusiast | The Samel Collection, part 2
30.09.2020 10:00Catalog 340
A Numismatic Gold Treasure - Gold treasures from the 19th and 20th century
28.09.2020 10:00Catalog 339
Carolingian, Münster, Rietberg, Paderborn - The Günther Jansen Collection, a. o. | Special Collection of Hesse | Medieval and Modern Times | German Coins after 1871 | Gold coins and medals from various countries
25.06.2020 14:00Catalog 338
Gold strucks from all over the World | German Coins after 1871 | Russian Coins and Medals - The Collection from a nordic lawyer, a. o.
22.06.2020 14:00Catalog 337
Schleswig-Holstein - The Dr Hergen Boyksen| Coins from Lippe | Coins and Medals from Medieval and Modern Times, a. o. Bavaria and the Dr Werner Oschmann Collection
20.03.2020 10:00Catalog 336
Gold coins from all over the World, German Coins after 1871
19.03.2020 10:00Catalog 335 part 2
Germany: Saxony - Wurzburg, Medals, Lots, Habsburg, Europe, Oversea
18.03.2020 10:00Catalog 335 part 1
Medieval Time, Bracteats, Germany: Aachen – Rostock
17.03.2020 14:00Catalog 334
The Samel Collection of Jewish Coins and Medals
17.03.2020 10:00Catalog 333 part 2
Roman Coins (from Maximinus I Thrax), Great Migration, Byzantium, Crusader, Orientals
16.03.2020 10:00Catalog 333 part 1
The Dr. W. R. Collection, part 4 Greek Coins, Celtic Coins, Greek, Coins Roman Coins (until Severus Alexander)


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